If you lived in Chicago - you might hear someone say they "live in the projects."
But, if you asked this question around First Assembly right about now: "What kinds of projects are you working on?" I know what you'd hear. Several people are doing some minor to major overhauls in their homes.
And, isn't that sorta the way life is? Only so many things can be piled over there before the pile needs to be sorted through and some things thrown out and some things boxed up and some things just put in the place where they belong.
So, what kinds of projects are you working on? What things need an overhaul in your life? Whatever they are - bathe them in prayer. In recent weeks I've worked on three flooring projects. All of which required me to be on my knees. And, as sore as my knees are right now, I think I must not spend quite enough time on my knees! (Maybe we all need some flooring projects!)
Pastor D
PS: Happy birthday to my youngest grandson Brant who was 2 August 24th, to my Mom whose birthday is today and to Shelline Williams who is 89 Tuesday the 26th.
First Day of "School"
16 years ago