....Fare thee well, fare thee well! So, I wonder what the song writer was actually thinking when he penned those words? Whatever he was thinking it was for sure about heaven!
One Sunday School teacher asked her class (thinking, of course, salvation being the criteria for entering heaven) "what do you have to do to get to heaven?" To which one little boy replied,
"You gotta die!"
A little boy wrote a letter to God - addressed it to heaven and mailed it. Someone opened it (rather than allowing it to go the 'dead letter route'). It read, "Dear God, what's it like to die? I don't want to do it, I just want to know. Your friend, Michael"
Many people want to go to heaven they just don't want to have to die to get there!
When you travel to a new destination - you read up on that area, territory, country. All of the 'experiences' people have had, all the printed material about heaven will never adequately portray what heaven is really like. The closest to knowing what heaven will really be like is recorded in the Bible. The only person who has been there and can tell me what it is like is Jesus! When you know that as a believer in Jesus Christ, death is just a transition into the presence of God!
Speaking of heaven Paul says: "If I had to choose right now, I hardly know which I'd choose....The desire to break camp here and be with Christ is powerful. Some days I can think of nothing better".
So, in the words of the song writer: "In that great gittin' up mornin' --- I'm outta here!!!"
What a day - glorious day that will be!
First Day of "School"
16 years ago