So much to be thankful for this season! Family, food (more than enough), home, the hope of Jesus to bring us ultimately to our eternal goal - heaven.
This year brings added "thanks". Few experiences in life equal the news and the ensuing arrival of a new baby. This year our new baby is "Mia"! (Even though she is already 19 months old).
Tim and Kristi and their boys have been preparing for this experience for over 2 years. They now have a face and they have their pre-approval. Which means that, except for a couple more documents and probably several more weeks of waiting, everything is in place for them to travel to China to bring Mia home.
I'm a grandfather again - for the ninth time! Call me Ken. Call me honey. Call me Dad. Call me son. Call me friend. Call me pastor. Call me Grampy and I'm ready to go!
So - when you see me - if it seems that my head is a little higher, that I seem a bit more 'giddy', it's just thankfulness oozing out of this 'grampy'. Just bring 'Mia' to me so I can hold her, play with her, spoil her - and, in time, I'll be okay! In the meantime, I'm thankful - very thankful!
First Day of "School"
16 years ago