Come As A Child!
Children are wonderful. God blessed us with 3, and then blessed us with 3 more! In addition, he blessed us with 9 grandchildren. Children are wonderful and when we all get together at Christmas it is beautiful chaos! Excitement and suspense. Joy and wonder—the love of Christmas.
Seen through the eyes of a child it IS pure wonder and joy as a young child catches his first glimpse of Christmas—lights he can see, presents he can open, carols he can “sing” - not to mention the cookies he can taste! And as much of Grammi’s fudge as they can stuff into their mouths without choking!
Can WE, as adults come as children to the Christ of Christmas? No, not to the manger—but to the Cross and to the Empty Tomb of our Saviour and Risen Lord. Come as a child today—eager to learn, eager to laugh, eager to live, eager to love. You see, HE is the Master Teacher, the Author of Joy, the Giver of Life and the Lord of Love—and He awaits our worship this day. “O COME, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”
Our Family
We wanted to update you on the happenings in our family this year.
Lisa and Allen live and work in Springfield. Allen is a realtor with Keller Williams Agency. Lisa is Academic Advisor, Professional Studies at Evangel University and working on her Master’s in Organizational Leadership. Lisa and Allen along with their children, Tara-12, Emma-10, and Adam–8, are involved in ministry activities at their church, James River Assembly in Ozark, MO.
Kristi and Tim, Mason—12, Evan—9, and Jordan—8 are looking forward to the arrival of the long awaited and much loved addition to their family. Mia ShyAn Xin Singer, 20 months, will join them in the next couple months. You can help them pray for speedy travel approval to bring her home.
John, Lynette, Breanna-5 and Brant-2, live in Red Oak, Texas. They attend The Oaks Fellowship. John is the Spiritual Formation Director for the Dallas Master’s Commission. He received his Master’s in Theological Studies in May and God is using him to teach young adults to be leaders in churches across America.
We are grateful God has chosen to use our children to bring honor and glory to Him. We are blessed.
God, in his favor, gifted us with a new home this year. We are grateful for this unexpected and unmerited blessings in our lives.
Merry Christmas
From Our Home To Yours!
Ken and Linda
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