Have you taken a good close look at the trees recently? Bare! I mean - nothing! The leaves have all come off and the picture you have is a big stick with a bunch of little sticks attached! Sort of like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
How is it that the same tree which looks so bare - almost "dead," can be such a thing of beauty by the end of April showers? How the beautiful green of the leaves push themselves out on those naked limbs. How the collection of all those leaves cover bare limbs and give form and structure to the collection of sticks!
When anyone is new - in Christ (Jesus living inside), the old goes away. A new thing - a thing of beauty develops from that old nature that cannot be so easily explained. Except that Jesus in me - in you - makes all the difference. Jesus in me - Jesus in you - adds the richness of the green color that illustrates life! And, how form and structure develop to push back the nothingness of empty limbs.
Just about the time you see the little buds on the tree in early spring you begin to anticipate a full, beautifully formed tree.
And, that's what happens for anyone who allows Jesus to take over their life (their tree)! When He does - it becomes springtime - when all the leaves are green!
First Day of "School"
16 years ago
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